Security Stop Press : The Threat Of Sleeper Agents In LLMs

AI company Anthropic has published a research paper highlighting how large language models (LLMs) can be subverted so that at a certain point, they start emitting maliciously crafted source code. For example, this could involve training a model to write secure code when the prompt states that the year is...

Sustainability-in-Tech : Google’s AI Discovers 380,000 New Materials

A new AI tool called GNoME from Google’s DeepMind artificial intelligence lab has reportedly discovered and contributed nearly 380,000 new compounds to the Materials Project, the open-access database founded at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). GNoME  The Graph Networks for Materials Exploration (GNoME), is an...

Tech Tip – Create Instant ‘To-Do’ Desktop Notes with Sticky Notes

Jot down ideas, to-do lists, or important reminders for yourself using Sticky Notes in Microsoft Windows. This simple but effective tool allows you to place virtual notes on your desktop, freeing you from paper notes that can get lost, and ensuring you don't forget critical tasks or information. Here's how...

Featured Article : New Certification For Copyright Compliant AI

Following many legal challenges to AI companies about copyrighted content being scraped and used to train their AI models (without consent or payment), a new certification for copyright-compliant AI has been launched. The Issue  As highlighted in the recent case of the New York Times suing OpenAI over the alleged...

Tech Insight : ‘Only’ Double IT Spending Growth (To $5 Trillion)

New research from Gartner has predicted that global IT spending this year will reach $5 trillion and IT spending growth will be more than double that of 2023. A First – Spending More On IT Than Communications  In its IT spending forecast, Gartner predicts that the massive $5 trillion global spend...

Tech News : Google Waives Exit Fees for Cloud Data Transfers

Google has announced that Google Cloud customers who want to switch and migrate their network data to another cloud provider and/or on-premises will no longer be charged a transfer fee to do so. How?  The process for the free transfer away from Google involves contacting the Google Cloud account team...

Security Stop Press : Verifying Your LinkedIn Profile

Even though the feature was launched in early 2023 with a target of getting 100 million verified members by 2025, many people may not yet have heard that LinkedIn provides an identity verification feature on its platform. LinkedIn's Persona verification process confirms an individual's identity by checking a user-submitted scan...
