Featured Article : AI Content Legal Challenges

Following a copyright lawsuit against an AI code generator and industry questions about who actually owns images made by AI text-to-image generators, we look at the legal issues (and others) surrounding generative AI. The Issue  The recent lawsuit and questions from coders, artists, musicians, and other creatives show that the...

Tech Insight : Ultra-Accurate GPS (10 cm)

In this insight, we take a closer look at the new alternative positioning system to GPS that is accurate to within an incredible 10 centimetres. Issues With Current GPS System  Society heavily relies on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) like GPS for positioning and navigation, as well as the distribution...

Featured Article : How Investment In Sustainability Could Protect Against Disruption

After a new report published which says that most business leaders plan to increase investment in sustainability initiatives to protect against disruption, we look at what this means. Report  A recent Gartner report highlighted how 86 per cent of business leaders plan to increase their organisation’s investment in sustainability initiatives...

Tech News : WhatsApp’s New Business Directory Search Function

WhatsApp has given a progress update on new business-focused features that can embed the entire shopping experience directly into the WhatsApp chat. Find A Business – Browse Businesses By Category  WhatsApp says that it is launching a new ‘Business Search’ feature. This allows users to browse businesses by category, or...
