Tech News : AI Improving Coding & Data Sorting

Google DeepMind’s AlphaDev artificial intelligence (AI) system has produced new algorithms that can write code better than humans and could create better programs. Discovering Enhanced Algorithms  In a recent research paper, Google’s Deepmind has outlined how AlphaDev is able to use ‘reinforcement learning’ to discover enhanced computer science algorithms which...

Tech Trivia : Did You Know? This Week in History …

Computers Before Keyboards Computing was a lot more challenging before July 4th 1956 because that’s when MIT revolutionised their Whirlwind Computer … by introducing a keyboard ! Before that, interacting with computers was a laborious, time-consuming process. Programmers would offer instructions to these mammoth machines by the manual insertion of...

Sustainability-in-Tech : Millions Of Hard Drives Being Scrapped Is Preventable

The Circular Drive Initiative (CDI) has reported that millions of usable hard drives are being unnecessarily destroyed, adding to the growing pile of e-waste. How Big Is The Problem?  According to reported comments to the BBC from Chia Network’s and secretary and treasurer of the CDI, Jonmichael Hands, millions of...
