Security Stop Press : LLM Malicious “Prompt Injection” Attack Warning

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has warned of the susceptibility of existing Large Language Models (LLMs) to malicious “prompt injection” attacks. These are where a user creates inputs intended to cause an AI model to behave in an unintended way e.g., generating offensive content or disclosing confidential information....

Tech News : EU Teams To Be Unbundled From 365

Following pressure resulting from a formal investigation by the European Commission over a possible breach of competition rules, Microsoft has announced that it will begin unbundling Teams from Office 365 and Microsoft 365 in European markets. Antitrust Investigation  Following a complaint by Slack three years ago, this July the European...

Featured Article : Temporary Climb-Down By UK Government

In an apparent admission of defeat, the UK government has conceded that requiring scanning of platforms like WhatsApp for messages with harmful content, as required in the Online Safety Bill, is not (currently) feasible. The ‘Spy Clause’  Under what’s been dubbed the ‘spy clause’ (Clause 122) in the UK’s Online Safety...

Sustainability-in-Tech : Cargo Ship Sails Help Reduce Pollution

The recently launched Pyxis Ocean cargo ship uses giant foldaway ‘WindWings’ to help supplement engine power and could cut lifetime carbon emissions by 30 per cent. The Cargo Ship  A Mitsubishi Corporation cargo ship is currently demonstrating the WindWings, developed by BAR Technologies and Yara Marine Technologies, during its six...

Security Stop Press : FraudGPT

Researchers from Netenrich have reported finding “FraudGPT” being sold on the dark web. It’s been described as a subscription-based generative AI tool for creating malicious cyberattacks. It’s been reported that the tool can do anything from writing malicious code and malware to creating phishing campaigns, thereby making putting advanced attack...

Tech News : Firefox Helps You Hide (Your Emails)

Following several months of testing, Firefox users can now take advantage of the Firefox Relay email masking tool from within the browser to help preserve their online anonymity and boost security. What Is Firefox Relay?  Firefox Relay from Mozilla is a Firefox browser extension that lets users keep their email...
