Featured Article : Microsoft Launches New AI Content Safety Service

Microsoft has announced the launch of Azure AI Content Safety, a new content moderation service that uses AI to detect and filter out offensive, harmful, or inappropriate user and AI-generated text or image content. What Kind of Harmful Content? The type of content Microsoft’s developed Azure AI Content Safety to...

Tech Insight : Ways To Use ‘WhatsApp Business’ To Help Your Business

In this insight, we look at some of the many ways you can use ‘WhatsApp Business’ to boost your marketing and connect with customers to provide a more personalised service. What Is WhatsApp Business?  WhatsApp Business is a version of the popular encrypted app that was introduced in January 2018...

Security Stop Press : Doubling of Ransomware Attacks Requires Preparedness

Cyber threat intelligence company Cyble has highlighted in its recent threat report how ransomware use has doubled compared to Q3 of the year, has been adapted to bypass common defence strategies, and how there’s been increased weaponisation of vulnerabilities to deliver the Ransomware. Cyble identifies notable trends such as exploiting...

Featured Article : Bots To Bots : Google Offers Protection From AI-Related Lawsuits

Google Cloud has announced in a blog post that if customers are challenged on copyright grounds through using its generative AI products (Duet AI), Google will offer limited indemnity and assume responsibility for the potential legal risks involved. Why?  With the many different generative AI services (such as AI chatbots...

Tech Insight : How A Norwegian Company Is Tackling ‘AI Hallucinations’

Oslo-based startup Iris.ai has developed an AI Chat feature for its Researcher Workspace platform which it says can reduce ‘AI hallucinations’ to single-figure percentages. What Are AI Hallucinations?  AI hallucinations, also known as ‘adversarial examples’ or ‘AI-generated illusions,’ are where AI systems generate or disseminate information that is inaccurate, misleading,...

The 2025 Switch-Off: Embracing the Future of Telecommunications

In the coming years, the telecommunications landscape will undergo a significant transformation as traditional ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) services are phased out. Here we aim to shed light on why this transition is happening, what actions you need to take, and explores the...
